Cultivation Betta splendens Fish

Cultivation of ornamental fish Betta splendens does not require extensive land, enough to provide the area about 5 square meters. In the Central Jakarta area, cultivated fish Betta splendens have done a relatively small yard, with the former container, like a cement pond or aquarium. These fish are relatively easy to maintain and cultivated, because it does not require special feed. Fish feed is usually used to seed a natural food or water flea Daphnia sp. which can be found in a ditch where the water flooded. To parent Betta splendens are used feed from mosquito larva (larva). Baby fish can be fed water bug and interspersed with hairworms will further accelerate the growth of baby fish.

Container Cultivation
In general, container maintenance is like cement or aquarium that size is not large enough to have 1 x 2 m or aquarium 100 x 40 x 50 cm, was smaller containers marriage enlargement of the container, which can be used, among others: the basin, a small aquarium or bucket can be used for fish spawning.

Special Characteristics

Characteristics possessed by the male ornamental fish Betta is a beautiful addition to color, fins were long and resembles a crown, so often called Crowntail Betta. Meanwhile, female fish are not attractive color (dull) and the form of fins shorter than the male fish.

Features of male fish to spawning:
Fish age ± 4 months.
Have a form of long body and long fins.
Have a good color.
His movements were aggressive and agile.
Have a healthy body condition (not disease).

Features of female fish to spawning:
Age has reached + - 4 months
Rounded shape of the body indicates ready to mate.
His movements slow.
Fin short and unattractive color.
Have a healthy body condition (not disease).

Fish spawning and nursing
After the parent, decorative betta is prepared as well with the containers then the next step is to conduct breeding:
1. Prepare container basin / small aquarium and clean.
2. Fill container with water at a height of 15 to 30 cm.
3. Enter the male parent fish first for 1 day.
4. Cover the container with the container covers anything.
5. A day later (late afternoon) the mother had cooked eggs inserted into a container nursery.
6. Usually in the morning and the fish are spawning in the form of foam attached nest prepared by the male parent.
7. The mother immediately removed and allowed to treat male eggs until they hatch.

Enlargement children fish
1. When larva betta fish can swim and the yolk has been, prepared media should have greater magnification for a place.
2. Move the seedlings with the male parent.
3. Then the fish were given food and water fleas closed container.
4. Ten days later the child was transferred to fish elsewhere.
5. And then every single week, the fish moved to another place to faster growth.

Post Harvest
Post-harvest after the ornamental fish Betta already reached 1 month harvesting can be done once can be selected or elected. Good-quality Betta and Betta selection results separated by placed into separate bottles in order to develop properly and avoid fights. After the age of 1.5 to 2 months was demonstrated Betta ornamental beauty and can be marketed.
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How to Deal with Crowntail Betta Fish Tail Bud?

Crowntail Betta Fish often damage in terms of health and beautiful, things that I often see the tail fish become bud.

Here are two tips for your tail betta fish :

1. The tail bud of the fish caused by water in the aquarium while not completely drained yet even been depleted in the long run, therefore, frequently draining the water in the aquarium at least once 2-3 days.
2. A second possibility is that water entered into the aquarium water directly from the tap water, would be better if the water that will be filled into the aquarium is deposited or aged approximately 2 days, other ways thing to do is purchase: you can buy in the shops of ornamental fish and give fish tank when you fill it. If the curved fins, it is because the fish are too often played in the water, so the fish do not often played on the surface of the water get used partition between one aquarium to another aquarium but it was only placed barrier half only (from the top to the middle), so you see only the middle to bottom.
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Betta Fish Facts to Know

Betta fish or Betta Splendens or Siamese fighting fish are native to the lands of Thailand, Vietnam, China, and other related regions. They were first spotted in Cambodia, Thailand. In fact, Cambodia use to be known as Siam, hence the name Siamese fighting fish. They are called fighting fish, because they are extremely territorial. Males cannot be kept together because all they will do is fight until one or both are seriously injured. Betta fish can grow to three inches are famous for their long flowing fins.

You can pick out a betta fish right away in a tank because they look like something completely different from other fish. A betta fish is usually in shades of blues, reds, purples, or sometimes-even white. The way to spot a male is because males are more vibrant in color and their fins are longer. Females also have some vertical stripes when healthy. If you think that you may be looking at a female betta fish in the pet store, but don’t see the stripes, you may want to think again about purchasing one since it’s probably sickly. Betta fish prefer to eat live foods, but flakes or frozen foods will be just as fine.

Why are betta fish so popular as pets? Well the first thing that will attract an aquarium lover to betta fish is the way they look. They have rich colors and dramatic fins. Their size isn’t bad either since they are considerably small. Bettas also have a distinct personaility. They wag their tails like a pup and act just as cute. Remember, they have a mind of their own as well. To see a betta’s true personality it has to be happy.

When betta fish are happy and healthy you will notice that they are playful and they move with such grace. Unhappy and unhealthy betta fish will move extremely slow and in a very depressing way. Since there are many betta fish that are breeded specially to get certain colors that aren’t the traditional colors, you will find that you will soon be collecting these beauties. The only thing is that you have to give them enough tank space and also surface space. Surface space is important because betta fish cannot breath while in the water, but they breath directly from the surface.

When it comes to betta fish, you will need to know that there are only a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to keep in mind the temperature. You need to keep the tank between 75f-85F. The ammonia levels are sometime to worry about. Often new tanks will make the tank build up high levels of ammonia, which will kill, or make the fish sick. This is easily taken care of if you just make sure that the tank is washed properly and the water is changed on a regular basis. If the water is good, then your betta fish will surely live their full lifespan of two or three years. They could even live-longer with proper care.

About the author:
Magne Bjorklund:
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The types of ornamental Betta splendens

Many special from Betta splendens, first is the color-sharp color like red, orange, gold, black, blue, yellow, copper, all shiny. There is also a combination of colors as a combination of koi fish. The most special form is its tail. There are various forms of tails, among other things crowntail or serit (fringed tail and thorny), half-moon (tail expands to form the letter D, 180-degree angle), doubletail (tail like a split into two and expanded), and fantail (tail circular).

Ornamental Betta splendens divided into several types, namely:

* Halfmoon Betta (half moon), this species Betta splendens has tail and fins are broad and asymmetrical shape resembling a half months, this type of Betta cultivation first time in the United States by Peter Goettner in 1982.

* Crowntail Betta (serit), this type of Betta cultivation first time in East Jakarta, in 1998. Its main characteristic is the fin and tail that resembles a comb so that the call serit (Indonesian called).

* Double tail Betta (double tails).

* Halfmoon Plakat Betta.

* Giant (giant Betta), this type of Betta is the result of crossbreeding between ordinary Betta with natural Betta, the Betta size of this type can reach 12 cm.

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Introduction to Betta Splendens

Betta splendens also known as Talking Gourami, Croaking Gourami, Betta (particularly in the US), Cupang (Indonesia), The wild ancestors of this fish are native to the rice paddies of Thailand and Cambodia and are called pla-kad or trey krem ("Fighting Fish") in Thailand. The fish is a member of the gourami family (family Osphronemidae) of order Perciformes, but was formerly classified among the Anabantidae.

Betta splendens is a freshwater fish native habitats are some countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This fish has a shape and a unique character and have a tendency to aggressive defend its territory. Among fans, Betta generally divided into three groups, namely ornamental Betta, fighter Betta, and the wild Betta.

Betta splendens is one strong fish survive for a long time so when the fish was place in containers with a little water and without any means of air circulation (aerator), these fish can still survive. Why they can survive? Because they have labyrinth, which allowed him to survive in water that low oxygen levels, so they are able to live in swamps, rice fields and shallow water. They life colonize in the calm waters, which generally has a pH 6.5-7.2 and water temperature 24-30 degrees Celsius.

Betta splendens have upturned mouths and are primarily carnivorous surface feeders. In the wild, they feed on zooplankton and the larvae of mosquitoes and other insects, such as flies, crickets, or grasshoppers. These fish will also eat live or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp or daphnia.
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Important e-book for your betta

Betta Care Made Easy
An Easy, Step-by-Step System To Maximize Your Bettas Health And Energy - Your Betta Will Thrive For Years To Come!

Betta Lovers Guide
Learn How To Make Your Betta Into The Most Cared-for, Happy, And Safe Fish In The World.

Betta Fish Secrets
Betta Fish Care Ebook. Pays 75% And Is Converting Excellent.

Taking The Mystery Out Of Betta Breeding
Learn How To Breed And Care For Betta Fish. Learn For Fun Or For Profit!

Halfmoon Betta Fish Guide
EBook(R) Concentrating On Halfmoon Betta Fish Hobby And Information. In Here, Youll Definitely Find Lots Of Undisclosed Secrets And Facts That Halfmoon Betta Hobbyist Are Seeking To Become Successful In The Hobby, Thru A Practical,educational And Fun Way!

Betta Fish Care Exposed
Your Complete Reference For Happy Healthy Betta Fish The Easy Way.



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