Introduction to Betta Splendens

Betta splendens also known as Talking Gourami, Croaking Gourami, Betta (particularly in the US), Cupang (Indonesia), The wild ancestors of this fish are native to the rice paddies of Thailand and Cambodia and are called pla-kad or trey krem ("Fighting Fish") in Thailand. The fish is a member of the gourami family (family Osphronemidae) of order Perciformes, but was formerly classified among the Anabantidae.

Betta splendens is a freshwater fish native habitats are some countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This fish has a shape and a unique character and have a tendency to aggressive defend its territory. Among fans, Betta generally divided into three groups, namely ornamental Betta, fighter Betta, and the wild Betta.

Betta splendens is one strong fish survive for a long time so when the fish was place in containers with a little water and without any means of air circulation (aerator), these fish can still survive. Why they can survive? Because they have labyrinth, which allowed him to survive in water that low oxygen levels, so they are able to live in swamps, rice fields and shallow water. They life colonize in the calm waters, which generally has a pH 6.5-7.2 and water temperature 24-30 degrees Celsius.

Betta splendens have upturned mouths and are primarily carnivorous surface feeders. In the wild, they feed on zooplankton and the larvae of mosquitoes and other insects, such as flies, crickets, or grasshoppers. These fish will also eat live or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp or daphnia.

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